Friday, February 03, 2006


"What a Wonderful World" after all are about "weak meat strong eat", nevertheless,

when there are friends, there are families; when there are families, there are Homes.

What a Wonderful World.

ok bor呢套戲,最後5秒都要搞多個gag,笑到仆街。

仲有隻"I Like to Move It, Move It"呢,我欣賞鍾意擺動身體既人ah下。


小妹holiday的reel life還包括《春天花花同學會》—一如既往,mcdull's for adults. 好多位好笑,更多位係苦笑,睇完你就明。《金雞2》—a little bit touching,after all 2003 都過左咯,《童夢奇緣》話齋,生命可喜既係唔需要再重來,咁而家咪一切再重來lor,hip hip hurray。(其實我冇睇過《童夢奇緣》)《麻婆島》—呢套戲係白痴ga下,不過阿秋姐配音又ok bor。《Fantastic 4》—懶緊張最後咪又係happy ending果0的lor,最岩一班friend唔使點用腦咁睇。仲有返睇過9十幾次都咁好笑既《行運超人》同埋咁有深度既《大話西遊2部曲》,真係點解你唔係蘋果

即係我成日都話,呢個世界冇爛片ga,係睇你想要咩ja ma。明la~

Wave and smile, boyz, wave and smile. :)

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