Wednesday, October 11, 2006

八樓全層 + re-u@魚米家

好少推blog,但今次真的要捱眼訓推1推—如果.再—裡面的「虛構」 (blog主很強調)連載小說《八樓全層》。說的是1個關於1間廣告公司內的ecd (executive creative director)連城每天的打仗故事。也許你未必對廣告公司的運作架構有興趣 (又或者很有興趣也說不定),但當中隱含的小智慧大道理,對於我這個未來的manager,看過後真的大開眼界獲益良多,未出身做野已透過此故窺看大時代的冰山1角,不禁大叫1聲「wa!原來係咁!」。原來,員工真係公司最寶貴資產,hrm真係邊度都用得著。


*Anything that's worth learning, cannot be taught at school.

*People are likely to be promoted to a level of incompetence.
If you want to promote somebody, prepare him or her.
Give him or her time to prove himself or herself. Then nobody doubts the promotion, you will make his or her life a lot easier.

*Leo Burnett said that the most valuable asset of his agency is the people who go down the elevator shaft everyday.

*Celebrating success is the best way to boost staff morale. Bad news should be announced first, good news can wait. That's why most of the celebration parties are in the afternoon.

*If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.


至於那個賽螃蟹真是… …吃到支持不下去… …下次還是不要點。。。


問題所在竟然係咁。真係公說公有理婆說婆有理。人與人之間的相處最緊要是communication嘛。唉~ 很難搞。我連自己究竟是屬於哪1邊的?底也搞不清了。好想扶1扶但唔知點扶同埋扶邊便。你知la,我呢0的咁敏感既身份,都係避忌0的好。喂但係我呢0的助人型黎ga ma!點可以咁自私!唉其實妳懶係偉大咁做乜丫,或者人地都唔洗妳幫呢… …

自己跟自己在debate,我真係"ng g dim ho" la!

反問自己,男朋友仔跟其他女仔單獨約會,自己會不會介意呢?我的答案是no big deal jer,我夠會單獨約會其他男仔la,各有各蒲好平常,1切只是信心問題。想不到她們原來會介意。又或者其實會唔會係,我把標準定得太過寬鬆呢?還是針唔拮到肉唔知痛呢?


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