我現在正在poly的pq lab啊!呵呵~ 為什麼我在此?那是因為我今天attend了一個關於presentation skills的workshop。這個workshop原來也滿無聊的。內容主要是教你怎樣把廢話說得頭頭是道的樣子。well, 那根本就是我的強項,也是我唯一的natural gift。=.="
上pq print notes和check email,赫然發現這個mail(留意bold)︰
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 18:30:22 +0800 (HKT)
From: sapgdp@polyu.edu.hk Add To Address Book This is Spam
Subject: PGDP Job Matching Offer Request
To: 04085448D@polyu.edu.hk
Dear Student
Re: PGDP Job Notification
We are glad to inform you that you have been selected to apply for the job vacancy of KUMON HANG BONG EDUCATION CENTRE (job no. : P050017 ) under the 'Preferred Graduate' Development Programme.
Please visit the Electronic Job Matching System (eJMS) at https://www19.polyu.edu.hk/ejms/jsp/login.jsp immediately to read the job details, application method and confirm on-line if you would accept such opportunity. Please also send the relevant and necessary documents to us before the application deadline for relaying to the company, if these are required for job application. For those of you who are required to submit hard copies, please ensure that the job number and the name of company are stated clearly.
For those of you who have not signed the 'Preferred Graduate' Development Programme Training Agreement, please obtain and sign the document at the counter of ST314.
The application deadline is 18/03/2005. It is your obligation to respond to us through the on-line eJMS (the above website) no matter you would like to accept or reject such opportunity. If we do not hear from you on or before the application deadline, we would assume that you give up the chance and we would nominate other students for the job. Please note that your failure in responding to our job notification will affect your priority of being offered in the future.
For enquiry, please email to sapgdp@inet.polyu.edu.hk.
Thank you for your attention.
Student Affairs Office
今天是19/3。我現在才check到這個mail。這個mail是昨晚send來然後昨晚就是deadline。cover letter也來不及寫啊大哥!耍我嗎?!很不爽耶!本來有placement的我變了失業人士,太過份了點耶!
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