無啦啦重睇《Love Actually》,睇左幾十次,睇到“To me, you are perfect, and my wasted heart will love you”都係喊 😢 明明我已經睇到識背 😢
但我有個驚人發現,原來演咸片男替身果個係華生黎架!!! 我諗左好耐點解佢咁熟口面
我認人好差。尋日睇BJ都諗左好耐點解阿Jack咁熟口面,原來佢就係《Enchanted》個男主角呀!!! 《Enchanted》我又係睇左幾十次
Only by renouncing our claim to discern a purpose immediately intelligible to us, and admitting the ultimate purpose to be beyond our ken, may we discern the sequence of experiences in the lives of historic characters and perceive the cause of the effect they produce (incommensurable with ordinary human capabilities), and then the words chance and genius become superfluous. -- Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace