"Never a bad decision, but a better solution."—傻寶
<- 不知道從何時開始變成我的座右銘了。這1句該是認識傻寶這個損友以來最大的得著吧!除此之外他已經1無是處了哈哈~
唉e-biz report… …100個灰。
待你好 只不過是幫我
成為我愛演的一個我 其實未算太坎坷
Only by renouncing our claim to discern a purpose immediately intelligible to us, and admitting the ultimate purpose to be beyond our ken, may we discern the sequence of experiences in the lives of historic characters and perceive the cause of the effect they produce (incommensurable with ordinary human capabilities), and then the words chance and genius become superfluous. -- Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
"i'm back! rubbish cheung!"「佢嘔ah佢嘔ah!」「好野!張生回歸!」「u耍me,me耍u!」lol 正經戲都變笑片,波比你係得既。:D
你依幅應該係日出畫黎ga 你同我講過嘛
做人最緊要係有自信 但係點解你突然之間無晒既
你以為你瘦左就會好襯我呀 瘦左我就會好開心呀?
原來一個成日笑既肥妹仔 其實都幾自卑ga
無人提過你呢 自從你同我一齊之後
你d自卑感就慢慢浮晒出黎啦 連自己都唔知道
就好似我唔知道我自己失憶個陣 原來真係鍾意你ga wor
唯一可以幫你既方法 就係堅持繼續做我既大碼衫
我要證明比你睇 肥人都可以好令 只要有自信就得ga la
做人最緊要係有自信 尤其是係你 因為 你係世界上我最愛既人
愛一個人呢 唔係話佢話岩 我就要話岩ga la
我真係好希望你變返一個最可愛 最開心 最有自信既肥田