i'm now in my company. now is 1222, having my lunch time. i hv 3 hours 4 lunch time ga! from 11 - 2pm. sometimes i will go out 4 a walk, maybe in zhe da (zhe jiang university), maybe 2 xi hu. but 2day is raining, so i stay in my company blogging. i can alwayz hv very long afternoon nap nei~ so i can stay very late 4 world cup @ nite. :)
every nite off work @ 5. cuz i'm the earliest one go back among my fds (they all off @ 530 haha). i usually help them 2 bring clothes 2 wash or buy things. wait till they come back we'll go out 4 dinner & eat eat eat, & travel & sightseeing.
@ nite go back 2 the hotel 2 play or chat or watch world cup.
everyday is so regular but not the same. everyday will hv some wonderful things happen.
hope so & i still believe it.
ahhhhhhhh~ but my job is customer enquiries ah. i alwayz cant understand ppl's mandarin nei~ @@"
but 2day is the 3rd day of my placement here, already get used 2 it & understand more la... =.="
y'all dun needa worry about me cuz i'll take care of myself.
c ya. ya gal WEn
@1230 140606
re j: yes yes y'all wait 4 me la. i used the wrong wordings. i mean i'm looking fwd 2 ya meal not waiting 4 ya meal.
btw, softhard when has ticket selling ah? i wanna watch bor.
& do u bt " old fung diary" ga? if yes nei, help me 2 dl ah ok? i wanna watch very much ah. my most fav tv channel here is only cctv5 4 world cup ja.
re aa: aiya~ y dun u c my entry earlier ah~ nvm la. hv u watched the special features? i 've watched la. quite gd ah. i still luv the commentaries ah~
i also c mainland version "isabella" dvd here bor (i think it's pirated). it only costs $15 ja. ha ha~
ps 你们见不见到这些中文字? 见到的话请告诉我. (<= can u c the simplified chinese? if u can c plz tell me.)
pps. last thing, i've bought some postcards from xihu. very beautiful nei. if u want plz send ya address 2 my email. quota still has 4. plz dun send me address thru msn, i'll ignore those. haha~ thku. :)